This is The Little Yellow Church where everyone is truly welcome! Browse our Welcome, Worship, and Witness pages where you'll discover the people and events that make this spiritual home special. Join us Sundays at 11 am for Worship (Coffee at 10:30 am).

Have you heard the news?

The Lakeville United Church of Christ (in Lakeville) and the North Congregational Church (in Middleborough) are working together in Ministry.

In the spring the two churches entered into an experimental “Yoking” agreement. This means that during this period both churches will share the ministerial services of the interim pastor. This also means that during this time each church maintains its own individuality while still sharing in or helping with each other’s events and activities. The combined choir has been making a joyful noise during many services at the NCC and the LUCC. This may potentially open the door to more sharing in the future.

Over the summer we have been enjoying one service together held at 9:30 AM, at alternating churches. This has been an opportunity for us to get to know each other while also giving our minister a small summer break from two services. Starting in September, we will return to individual services held at 9 AM at the LUCC and 11 AM at the NCC.

This has been a very exciting experience for all of us and we look forward to the evaluation of the results of the experiment. We invite everyone to come and visit either of the churches and see what all the excitement is about.

Community Member Spotlight



“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let it Shine!” When the trials and tribulations of life knock me for a loop, I know of a place in North Middleboro, (NCC) that will hold me, and lift me in prayer and make no judgement as to my decisions or failures. I also feel that I can be supportive, giving, and respectful to others. We are in relationship with each other, Ubuntu, “I am, because we are!”

I am blessed, and I thank God for leading me to North Congregational Church!

In the slideshow below, see some of the great events that our community has supported.

Attributions: Icons created by: Symbolon from the Noun Project, Arafat Uddin from the Noun Project, Lagot Design from the Noun Project